Monday, February 27, 2017

Overview of Sand Mining in Western Wisconsin

Frac sand mining in western Wisconsin has been occurring for more than 100 years. This non-metallic resource is very abundant in Wisconsin and has suitable characteristics to be used for glass manufacture, golf courses, and more recently to obtain petroleum products by hydraulic fracturing. Frac sand is quartz that has specific qualities such as grain size, rounded, well sorted, and withstands high pressures.  After the frac sand is taken out of the ground, it is washed, sorted using some sort of sieve process, and dried to be shipped elsewhere. Most of the frac sand mining facilities today are located near railroads and major highways because there is so much abundance. Shown below in figure 1 are the locations of sand mines found in Wisconsin along with the sandstone formations outline in the state (Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, 2012).
Figure 1. Locations of sand mines in Wisconsin as of 2012 (Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, 2012).

Much of the desired qualities for frac sand mining discussed above lie in certain formations in western Wisconsin. The formations that contain this frac sand include the Wonewoc, Jordan, and the St. Peter sandstone formations. These formations were formed during the Cambrian and Ordivician when shallow marine seas had covered western Wisconsin. Figure 2 shows a geologic map of the Midwest with the Cambrians Wonewoc and Jordan formations in red and the Ordovician St. peter sandstone in yellow (USGS Geologic map of North America Adapted from the map by J.C. Reed, Jr. and others 2005).
Figure 2. Location of the 3 main types of formations used to extract frac sand (USGS Geologic map of North America Adapted from the map by J.C. Reed, Jr. and others 2005).

Issues with frac sand mining in western Wisconsin

With the development of frac sand mines there are also problems that must be dealt with to proceed with the removal of the non-metallic resource. First, the companies must get permits from the city and state governments to allow the mining to continue. There are always concerns when it comes to the environmental aspect of mining.  This includes air emissions that are released during extraction, blasting, crushing, processing, and transportation of frac sand. Another issue that needs to be looked at after the mine is finished or used up the resource, they must think about reclamation processes required by the DNR. The DNR can however provide assistance to help create a good reclamation plan in order to create a more sustainable area.

GIS usage for further exploration

During this semester, my skills in GIS will be put to the test while I try to solve problems and the way in which I solve them with the frac sand industry. I will be using my skills to analyze data that I can acquire through various sources to better understand some of the environmental hazards created during frac sand mining. In this case, western Wisconsin will be my area of interest for frac sand mining and its environmental hazards.

National Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education. 2013. Transportation Impacts of Frac Sand Mining in the MAFC Region: Chippewa County Case Study. Retrieved February 27, 2017.

USGS. (2012). Frac sand in WI. Retrieved February 27, 2017.

WDNR. 2016 (last revised). Industrial Sand Mining Overview. Retrieved February 27, 2017.

WDNR. 2012. Silica sand mining in Wisconsin. Retrieved February 27, 2017.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Constructing maps using Pix4D


Why are proper cartographic skills essential in working with UAS data?

Without context in an aerial image, it’s difficult to process what exactly you are looking at and what you are trying to recover from the image itself. Even when adding a North arrow and scale, the UAS data within the map becomes more useful.

What are the fundamentals of turning either a drawing or an aerial image into a map?

First, a reference scale should be added in order to get an idea of how big the area you are looking at is. A north arrow should also be added to have a sense of direction. A locator map can also help with a broader context of the area of interest.

What can spatial patterns of data tell the reader about UAS data? Provide several examples.

Spatial patterns of data can tell the reader about possible future exploration or a decrease in crop yield. Some examples include using certain sensors to detect economic mineral deposits similar to using geomagnetic surveys. Another example may include obtaining the soil moisture content in a farm field to increase the farmers yield.

What are the objectives of the lab?

The objective in this lab is to learn how to create good maps with UAS data within GIS software to further analyze and use the data. This lab also includes learning the difference between DSM and DEM, and how to create a map from an aerial image using fundamental map-making processes.


First off, opening up the DSM and Orthomosaic into ArcMap is necessary so they can be used to create the final elevation map. After the DSM and orthomosaic are brought in, use the hillshade tool by searching “hillshade tool” and apply it to the DSM. Finally, create the map with the fundamentals of a map-making such as including the north arrow, scale, legend, etc.

Figure 1. DSM and Orthomosaic of a sports-field in western Wisconsin showing elevation

What is the difference between a DSM and DEM? The difference between a Georeferenced Mosaic and an Orthorectified Mosaic?

The difference between a DSM and a DEM is that the DSM is a Digital Surface Map while a DEM is a Digital Elevation Map. A DSM has numerous values included for the elevation while A DEM only has the ground surface to create the raster. A georeferenced mosaic takes an image with an already known coordinate system using ground control points to secure the image while an orthorectified mosaic takes an image and accurately adjust it by stitching together tie points using the computer so the image has a known coordinate system. 

What are those statistics? Why use them? 

The statistics for the DSM are important because it shows all of the data used for presenting on a map such as the values of minimum and maximum ground elevation.

Platform: DJI Phantom 3 Advanced
Drone Sensor: Sony 16 Megapixel Camera
Altitude: 60 meters
Coordinate System: WGS1984 UTM zone 15N
Projection: WI State Plain
Date: March 7, 2016


What types of patterns do you notice on the orthomosaic?

On the orthomosaic there is a noticeable gradual slope increase from southwest to northeast. There is also a straight line of trees on the west side of the map that run north and south.

What patterns are noted on the DSM? How do these patterns align with the DSM descriptive statistics? How do the DSM patterns align with patterns with the orthomosaic?

On the DSM, there is a line pattern that resembles what would be the elevation on the map. These patterns on the DSM align with the statistics that have shown the values in elevation. Other patterns that line up with the orthomosaic are the trees, building, and other vegetation.

Describe the regions you created by combining differences in topography and vegetation.

The regions included a topographical high and low based on the higher elevation in the north, and the lower elevation in the south. The vegetation is separated into two so that it would not be a problem for everything else in the map.

What anomalies or errors are noted in the data sets?

In these data sets, there are no ground control points to stitch the parts down to the basemap. Other errors or anomalies include variable elevation numbers that could be off due to the trees reaching higher up and how the image was taken.

Where is the data quality the best? Where do you note poor data quality? How might this relate to the application?

The best data quality is towards the middle of the image because this is the area where its being stitched together. The poor data quality lies in the upper left corner of the image but could most likely be resolved by obtaining more data from that area.


Summarize what makes UAS data useful as a tool to the cartographer and GIS user?

UAS data is very useful when it comes to high quality data and solving problems for the cartographer and GIS user. It can display high levels of accuracy in a short amount of time.

 What limitations does the data have? What should the user know about the data when working with it?

The downfalls are that in order to obtain this data, there must be good weather with low wind speed in the environment you are working in. Also when the user is working with the data, the program may not have the correct values when it is processed.

Speculate what other forms of data this data could be combined with to make it even more useful.

Another form of data that this could be combined with is ground control points so that the data can be stitched and tied down even better than if it was only the platform.

Monday, February 6, 2017

UAS Platform Consulting Report


When employers first start getting involved with UAS technology and the software programs that go along with the systems, they will want to know what the most efficient yet reasonably priced drones are. The process of finding an exceptional UAS platform at a satisfactory price can be lengthy and grueling. First you must know what the project or what type of industry the project is in so that the correct drone can be purchased to get the job done. For example, an agricultural drone with specific software programs may be different than purchasing a drone for mapping and surveying. Shown below are the three different categories that are based on prices, with the hobby/low level commercial (cheapest), mid-level commercial, and high-level commercial (most expensive).

Low Level Commercial/ Hobby UAS Platform:

UAS platforms that mostly pertain to hobby or low level commercial use includes spending anywhere from $500-$5,000 on a single platform. One of the top of the line UAS platforms for hobby or low level commercial flying includes the DJI Phantom 4 pro. Depending on the package you want to include with the DJI Phantom 4 pro, the price can range from roughly $2,000 with 32 GB micro-SD card to $2,700 with a 64 GB micro-SD and various other accessories for the platform.
The DJI Phantom 4 pro is a multirotor drone with 4 propellers. The dimensions of this platform are basic specifications include a 30-minute maximum flight time with a range of up to 4.3 miles (7 km). The battery is the same as the Phantom 4 but the newer technology also gives you a longer recording time on your camera. It weighs about 3 Ibs and has a built in Wi-Fi. The specs on this platform is great for anyone wanting to shoot excellent video footage. The Phantom 4 pro includes a 20 megapixel 4K/ 60 fps camera mounted underneath the platform as shown in figure 1. This type of camera has a 1-inch sensor which allows for spectacular action footage and being able to pull in greater color detail and overall a richer picture.

Figure 1. DJI Phantom 4 pro with its 20 megapixel 4k/ 60 fps camera mounted on the bottom.

The DJI Phantom 4 pro includes Active Track technology allowing the platform to recognize objects, follow, and capture them as they move. Complex shots are now much easier to get with this type of feature. The feature allows for three different tracking characteristics. Trace – following in front or behind an object. Profile – flying alongside an object at different angles. Spotlight -  which keeps the camera trained on a subject while the platform can fly pretty much anywhere. Another one of the newest smart features on the Phantom 4 pro includes “Draw.” This feature is spectacular for choosing an exact flight path in a certain environment. This technology uses the sensors on the drone and creates a 3D environment where it can tell where the ground is and what obstacles are in the way. You can then draw exactly where you want the drone to fly in a 3D space.
Another great feature to the Phantom 4 pro is its 5-directional sensor avoidance with a range of 100 feet (30 m). This makes it very difficult to crash or harming your drone. It allows for beginners to take control and not have to worry about making a mistake while flying to close to obstacles. Not only do the sensors stop you from hitting something, they warn you if you are approaching too close to an obstacle while flying backwards and shooting your camera forwards.
An extra feature that you may want to include on the Phantom 4 pro is a 5.5” 1080p screen attached to your controller, if so then the Phantom 4 pro plus is the way to go. This screen offers a screen that is more than twice as bright as conventional smart devises. With this screen a mobile device is not required unlike the Phantom 4 pro. This built in screen also provides for zero latency and no skipping issues unlike the DJI app on your phone.

Mid-Level Commercial UAS Platform:

When it comes down to more than just taking pictures and obtaining aerial video footage, higher end commercial UAS’s come with a higher price and incredible software. The Precisionhawk Lancaster 5 has numerous features and capabilities among its competitors that make it truly stand out. The Lancaster 5 is a fixed wing UAS platform that ranges from $12,000 to $15,000 depending on the type of sensors and software programs that are purchased with it. The basic specifications are a 4.9-foot wingspan, weighs 5.3 Ibs, and has a maximum flight time of about 45 minutes. It can also carry 2.2 Ibs and has a flight range of up to 1.2 miles (2 km).
One of its best known features is the “plug-and-play” swappable sensors (figure 2). This means it can carry LiDar, visual, multispectral, and thermal/infrared sensor technology. The ability for the Lancaster 5 to have swappable sensors makes it very valuable to many different industries such as agriculture, insurance and emergency response, energy and mining, and environmental monitoring. With a strong frame design and robust body, it can withstand hard landings out in the field.

Figure 2. The Precisionhawk Lancaster 5 with its swappable sensor capabilities located centered underneath the wing.

The mapping and analysis software on the Lancaster is called DataMapper that takes individual photos and establishes a georeferenced mosaic. Flight planning software on the Lancaster 5 allows for flight plans to be created by importing areas of interest defined in shape files. Lastly, UAV tracking and monitoring software gives you access to real time information such as flight path, altitude, and battery health.
Not only does the Lancaster 5 have various software and sensor technologies, it can also be fully autonomous. Once the flight plan is setup to collect data, all it needs is a push like a paper airplane and it automatically revises its flight plan to obtain data in the most efficient way. After the data is collected in the field, the Lancaster 5 can land itself with the smart flight controls.

High-Level Commercial UAS Platform:

The high end drones that tend to exceed $25,000 tend to be utilized in the professional film and cinematography industry. These platforms tend not only to be expensive, but dimensionally quite larger allowing them to carry a much heavier payload (larger cameras). One of the high-level commercial UAS platforms that catch an eye is the xFold Dragon which costs up to $32,000. The xFold Dragon is a multi-rotor drone with 12 propellers and a dual operator system. Other basic specifications include a superior maximum payload of 110 Ibs, 60-minute flight time, and a camera with 5.8G video transmitter for the benefit of the pilot.
                The xFold Dragon has numerous key components that make it very valuable to the film and cinema industry. It can also be used a search and rescue UAV or for industrial applications. The xFold Dragon includes a gremsy H16 gimbal for cinema cameras and aerial film making in a professional environment (figure 3). This gimbal supports payloads up to 16 Ibs, a second transmitter, and provides camera stabilization to help compensate for unwanted motion such as high winds. Two fail protection modes are included such as if the remote control and drone are disconnected during flight, a failsafe system will turn on and it will fly back to its original takeoff point and land automatically. Another includes its ability to maintain altitude and stabilize if a motor stops working.

Figure 3. xFold Dragon x12 with the gremsy H16 gimbal located underneath the body.

                Other features of this multirotor include “banked turn” mode and cruise control. The banked turn mode allows you to perform banked turns with only one hand. This makes the drone able to perform fixed wing-like maneuvers providing smoother video footage. The cruise control feature can lock your drone into its horizontal speed giving you the ability to focus more on your camera angles and gimbal control.